NINE new judges recommended by the Judicial Service Commission and accepted by President Mnangagwa for appointment as judges of the High Court will tomorrow take their judicial oaths.
The nine were among the 35 aspiring candidates that were interviewed to fill the vacant positions of the High Court after promotion of six senior High Court judges to the Supreme Court bench following consultations with the JSC as required by law.
Chief magistrate Mr Munamato Mutevedzi, Labour Court judge Justice Rogers Manyangadze Foroma, Mutare regional magistrate Chipo Annie-Lucy Mungwari, JSC deputy secretary Mr Elijah Makomo, Industry and Commerce Ministry’s legal affairs director Mr Never Katiyo, former Barclays Bank legal counsel Mr Joseph Chilimbe, Bulawayo-based lawyer Mr Bongani Ndlovu, chief law officer in the Attorney-General’s Office Mr Samuel Deme, who is visually-impaired and veteran Harare lawyer Mrs Catherine Kate Bachi-Muzawazi will be sworn in by Chief Justice Luke Malaba.
The JSC submits its recommended list to the President, who may assent to the names or ask the JSC to submit a fresh set of names.
While a recent amendment to the Constitution allows promotion of judges from the High Court to the Supreme and Constitutional Courts without further public interviews, these are still required for entry to the High Court bench.
The judiciary had seen a number of High Court judges moving to the Supreme Court to close the gap left by five judges that were moved up to the new Constitutional Court, now a stand-alone court.