Local Government and Public Works Minister July Moyo yesterday received an assortment of donated items from the African Development Bank that included two vehicles, ICT equipment, tents and tools worth more than US$211 000.
The US$211 583,37 donation was made under the post-cyclones Idai and Kenneth Emergency Recovery and Resilience Programme.
Minister Moyo expressed gratitude to Government’s partners for doing a sterling job in mobilising resources required in spite of the challenges of the on-going global Covid-19 pandemic.
AfDB ZimFund manager Mr Emmanuel Nzabanita said the post-cyclones Idai and Kenneth Emergency Recovery and Resilience Programme (PCIREP), funded by AfDB is a three-year project with a grant of US$25 million comprising of three components.
The three components are enhanced agricultural productivity and resilience, sustainable socio-economic infrastructure institutional strengthening to contribute towards socio-economic recovery and resilience to climatic shocks through reconstruction of productive and social infrastructure and strengthening of disaster preparedness systems in Zimbabwe.
Among the donated items are two Nissan single-cab pick-up trucks valued at US$43 290 to be distributed to the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC).
The tranche of support also consisted of ICT equipment for the Meteorological Services Department valued at US$32,493 and various tools, computers and tents for the Provincial Civil Protection Committee (PCPC) worth US$136 485.
Minister Moyo received the donation in the company of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister Mangaliso Ndlovu and Energy and Power Development Deputy Minister Magna Mudyiwa among other top Government officials.
Since May, AfDB has provided US$500 000 worth of vehicles, tools and equipment to strengthen service delivery by the Meteorological Services Department, the Manicaland Provincial Civil Protection Committee and the ZETDC by increasing their capacity to handle disaster preparedness and responses.