The Western imposed illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe are a violation of international law and human rights, the Chinese embassy in Zimbabwe has said.
The embassy said this on its Twitter handle, @ChineseZimbabwe, yesterday on the third anniversary of the Sadc initiated anti-Zimbabwe Sanctions Day.
The day is being commemorated under the theme; “Friend to all, enemy to none: Forging ahead and enhancing innovation and productivity in adversity of sanctions” after the Sadc Heads of State and Government Summit adopted a resolution declaring October 25 as a day to stand in solidarity with Zimbabwe in the fight against the sanctions that have devastated the country’s economy and brought untold suffering to ordinary people.
“Unilateral sanctions violate international law, sovereign equality, human rights & hurt the people. 13 years ago, China said NO for Zimbabwe. Today, we continue to call for complete & immediate lifting of all unilateral coercive measures. #RealDemocracy #ZimSanctionsMustGo,” the Chinese embassy tweeted.
Ambassador of the State of Palestine Tamer Almassri said sanctions against Zimbabwe were a violation of human rights of its people and amounts to collective punishment of innocent citizens.
Speaking during an anti-sanctions indaba in Harare yesterday, Ambassador Almassri said the economic sanctions impede Zimbabwe’s efforts to improve its economy and people’s livelihoods and tramples on the Zimbabwean people’s right to subsistence and development.
“The illegal sanctions against Zimbabwe for over two decades without the support of the security council lays bare the illegitimacy of this action. The UN Charter calls for sanctions to be applied only by the UN Security Council precisely to ensure wanton attacks on nations are avoided.
“International sanctions must have a lawful purpose, must be proportional and must not harm the human rights of ordinary citizens, and none of these criteria are met in this case.
“The sanctions are a massive, flagrant and unacceptable violation of human rights of the Zimbabwe people and amounts to collective punishment of the local citizens,” he said.
Cuban ambassador to Zimbabwe, Ms Carmelina Ramirez said the promoters of sanctions do not care about the social and economic development of other countries and the welfare of the majority of the population.
Ambassador Ramirez said the objective of sanctions was to create an antagonistic environment between the population and the Government due to the economic hardships.
“The decision of Sadc to declare 25th of October the day of anti-sanctions give us the opportunity to sensitise the general public on a topic of great interest, the negative impact of the persistent economic sanctions on the economy and people of Zimbabwe.
“The initiative of the SADC has put the case of Zimbabwe in the agenda on African Union as an important issue for the region. Our governments and the majority of people of Zimbabwe, Cuba continue resisting in the name of our independence and sovereignty and moving forward,” she said.