Chitungwiza residents have castigated MDC led councils for condoning corruption saying it is stalling service delivery.
This follows a public outcry over misuse of taxpayer’s money as well as devolution funds yet service delivery remains lip service.
Marshal Huni said by soliciting bribes from them; the council is further fuelling corruption.
He also added that the council should deal with the rot within their structures to ensure that there is transparent in the way it carries out its duties.
‘It is in the structures that corruption is rampant; thus they should deal with it forthwith for transparency purposes’.
Catherine Muradzikwa, said the council should focus on repairing the roads and stop confiscating their goods which they demand bribes for.
“They should spend time repairing the roads instead of confiscating our goods in return for bribes.”
lda Makuwe said it is mismanagement of funds and corruption that is causing the council to operate inefficiently.
Corruption in Zimbabwe has become endemic within its political ; public;private and civil sectors.
According to Transparency lnternational; Zimbabwean citizens regarded the public sector as the most affected in the country.