Tomorrow’s by-elections present Zanu PF with a chance to cement its dominance and defend the cardinal values of democracy, peace, unity and non-violence, President Mnangagwa said.
Addressing the 65th session of the Politburo at the Revolutionary Party headquarters in Harare yesterday, the President said: “All hands must be on the deck” to implement the Zanu PF 2018 Manifesto as well as the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1).
Tomorrow the country will hold by-elections in 28 constituencies and 122 wards in what has been dubbed a mini-election that was triggered mostly by recalls in the MDC and to a lesser extent natural attrition.
The President who has led a massive campaign that took him across the country said, Zanu PF which has an unassailable parliamentary majority, must further strengthen its domination on the Zimbabwean political arena in the by-elections.
“The by-elections present our party with an opportunity for us to cement our dominance and popularity across the country. The Politburo is therefore set to receive reports on our state of preparedness for the by-elections.
“As we convene at this session, it is also important that we remain alive to the fact that, this is the year our party is holding our elective conferences of the Women and Youth Leagues as well as the main party congress scheduled for October 2022.
“This is over and above preparations for the 2023 harmonised general elections. It is therefore imperative that all party departments begin thorough preparations and to focus their administrative programmes and priorities accordingly.”
Given the schedule towards next year’s elections, the President directed the party leadership to engage the people and embark on activities that advance the interests of Zanu PF.
“All our activities henceforth must further strengthen the party. There is no room for divisive tendencies, empire-building and short-sighted strategies that advance the interests of cliques.
“The engagements with the people during these by-election campaigns have revealed that in some cases, it is those in the party leadership who are causing general confusion among the general membership. The party is bigger than all of us, and those found on the wrong side of the party line risk falling by the wayside.
“We are the dominant and only people’s party. Let us defend and uphold the democratic principles and values which is synonymous with Zanu PF. Our culture of unity, peace, and non-violence must be respected throughout the rank and file of the party.
“Divergence from this cardinal principle will have consequences. However, I want to commend you as the leadership for your involvement in the party’s mobilisation efforts. Let us continue to always be with the people.”
Since the dawn of the New Dispensation, the governing party has been emphasising service delivery and servant leadership, and yesterday the President said Zanu PF is the only party that provides solutions, through people-oriented policies that are reflected in Government policies such as devolution, urban areas renewal and farming programmes like Pfumvudza that have ensured food security.
“Our revolutionary party, Zanu PF, continues to be driven by the vision to guarantee the independence, freedom, and prosperity of the people of this great country. We have always been about the people. We are the party that provides real answers; real solutions and real development. Zanu PF has always been about action, and not mere talk!
“As such, the party leadership, right from the Politburo Central Committee, provinces, to the branches and cells, must remain focused at improving the quality of life of our people.
“Through servant leadership and our culture of action and results, driven by production and productivity, let us accelerate the implementation of our election manifesto as well as the National Development Strategy 1. All hands must remain on the deck; munhu wese mundima, umuntu wonke emasimini”.
“The party must continue delivering on our promises and winning the hearts and minds of our people.”
In his address, the President, who is also the First Secretary of Zanu PF, reiterated that the revolutionary party is all-embracing and its leadership must continue implementing the returnees programme code-named Dzokai Kumusha; Buyani Ekhaya: Come Home, a programme that has seen thousands from the opposition joining the ruling party.
He also briefed the Politburo on his recent visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and expressed satisfaction on the appetite by Zimbabweans based in foreign lands to invest back into the country.
In light of the prolonged dry spell that has destroyed crops, the President assured the nation that adequate mechanisms have been put in place to ensure adequate food for vulnerable households.
“Our Zanu PF party is delivering on the complete independence, freedom, and sovereignty of the people through sustainable development and prosperity.
“We are also entrenching a new political culture; a culture of unity, peace, harmony, and love for each other as citizens of this great land.
“Everyone must feel that they belong and that they have a part to play in our great motherland. If we remain united and focused on development, and working harder and honestly to achieve our goals, we are unstoppable as a people, as a nation!
“Brick by brick, stone upon stone, our country is certainly achieving our Vision 2030 of a prosperous and empowered upper middle-income society.”